Lumineyes laser therapy may permanently change the color of your eyes.

Lumineyes laser therapy may permanently change the color of your eyes.

Researchers are working to develop a painless laser treatment that can be applied in under a minute. Animals and humans have been tested on the treatment for more than a decade. It has been shown to be both safe and effective in both circumstances. From light brown to black, the color of a person\’s iris may vary greatly. Iris stroma color may also seem blue, green, or hazel because to the impact of the Tyndall scattering of light. Even though eye color is dictated by genes, it may be feasible in the future to permanently change a person\’s natural iris color in less than a minute by destroying the pigment layer with a noninvasive laser.

Lumineyes is a safe approach to change the color of a laser in a manner that will stay.

Lasers are used to eliminate the melanin pigment on the iris\’s surface, allowing the blue and green hues to shine through. It may take many treatments to get the desired results, but the procedure is long-lasting. At the present, laser eye color change is the best long-term treatment.


Can you change color of your eyes?

Changing the color of one\’s eyes has been a popular topic in recent years. The color of one\’s eyes is inherited from one\’s parents. It is the iris, located in the center of the eye, that is responsible for the eye\’s vibrant color. The iris muscle of the eye is responsible for regulating the size of the pupil. The iris may grow or shrink in response to light intensity. The pigment (melanin) in your iris determines the color of your eyes. In terms of eye color, brown-eyed individuals have the greatest variety, whilst blue-eyed individuals have the least. Color perception is influenced by the way light reflects off these pigments (brightness).

How can you change the appearance of your eyes?

Different types of cosmetic surgery implants change eye color.
surgically implanting an iris
It was originally used to treat eye injuries and disorders such aniridia, in which the whole iris is absent; and coloboma, in which just a small portion of the iris is missing. It\’s possible that they can\’t see properly at all in the first place in certain cases.

How to Change the color of your eyes?

The goal of the surgery is to improve the patient\’s quality of life by lowering the chance that other people will react badly to the abnormality.

  • The doctor makes a small cut in the cornea and then puts an artificial iris made of silicon where the natural iris would be.
  • The silicon device is put in the eye and held in place by covering the part of the eye behind the cornea where the iris is.
  • You will be awake during the procedure, just like you are during LASIK and other types of minor cosmetic eye surgery.

Studies show that people with healthy, working irises who get iris implants are more likely to have problems after the surgery, such as becoming partially blind.

As a cosmetic procedure, there is not much proof that iris implant surgery is helpful or safe.

In the United States, no optometrists or eye surgeons offer it because no government agency has looked into how safe it is.

\”Laser eye surgery in color.\”

A low-power laser is used on the iris for about a minute to destroy the stroma, which is made up of light-absorbing fibers.

After a layer is destroyed, the body will get rid of it on its own.

Even though the therapy is quick, it takes the body many weeks to get rid of the broken tissue.

Even though Dr. Mete has looked into and written down all of the risks of this surgery, it only turns brown eyes blue-green-grey.

Iris implants can change the color of your eyes

People are born with a set eye color that can change and change over time.

People\’s eyes can be blue, black, green, grey, or hazel, among other colors.

This will be the color of your eyes for the rest of your life.

People who don\’t like the color of their eyes as they are may choose to have surgery to change the color of their eyes for good.

The most dangerous eye surgery is putting an artificial iris into the eye.

In the short term, some people have reported headaches, sensitivity to light, and a feeling that something is always in their body.

There have also been reports of holes in the eyeballs and infections.

Long term problems include the chance of an allergic reaction, uveitis, or dye migration into nearby tissues at the iridocorneal angle, which increases the risk of glaucoma, or at the optic nerve, which increases the risk of optic nevritis.

  • Today, it is very important to study the risks of these kinds of procedures and tell patients who might be interested what they are.
  • Changing the color of your eyes makes you look better and makes you more attractive.
  • People like colored eyes a lot.
  • People like it when a  baby\’s eyes change color or turn green-blue.
  • It makes you look better all over and makes you more attractive.

You  can\’t change the color of your eyes naturally at home!

So, if you want to change the color of your eyes and want to know how to do it, this guide will tell you what you need to know.
  • The Lumineyes-Mylumineyes laser eye color change procedure is completely non-invasive.
  • The patient watches a short animation as a low-energy laser guided by a computer passes through the clear cornea and is absorbed by the dark brown pigment.
  • The laser breaks the brown pigment layer that was protecting the blue iris below.
  • This break starts the normal process of removing tissue.
  • Driving and other everyday activities may be resumed after treatment.
  • After two to four weeks, the black pigment should start to fade, leaving behind bright blue eyes.

As a cosmetic procedure, episcleral tattooing involves injecting a dye into the subconjunctival area.


Rarely do you see a surgeon or qualified ophthalmologist doing the technical motions.

Endophthalmitis or retinal detachment could happen if there is no surgical microscope and there is a chance that the eyeball could be broken.

Patients who got the \”New Color Iris\” got glaucoma, cataracts, and uveitis, and this happened whether or not they had endothelial decompensation.

Even though all of them had the implant taken out, more than half of them needed more surgery, such as an endothelial corneal transplant, penetrating keratoplasty, filtering surgery, or cataract surgery.

How does keratopigmentation change your eye color, and what is it?

  1. Keratopigmentation surgery is another invasive way that the color of the eyes can be changed.
  2. Using a femtosecond laser, a small hole is made in the cornea in the shape of a circle.
  3. Then, a pigment is put into the hole to hide the natural color of the eyes.
  4. There is no evidence that the iris changed or that a foreign body got into the eye.
  5. Prices for keratopigmentation range from 7,000 to 9,000 euros.

For keratopigmentation and other types of cosmetic surgery in Turkey, we offer free online quotes and phone consultations.

How does keratopigmentation benefit the people who need it most?

Some people have aniridia, which means they  don\’t have an iris, or their iris has been hurt.

If you want to change the color of your eyes, you can do a procedure called cosmetic keratopigmentation.

After the eye is done growing, which usually happens around age 20, surgery may be an option.

Women who want to look younger and more attractive no longer have to have surgery to do so.

They might also change the color of their eyes or treat them to boost their confidence and self-esteem.

About Keratopigmentation

  1. Before getting keratopigmentation in Turkey, the patient must talk to an ophthalmologist to see if he is a good candidate for the treatment.
  2. Keratopigmentation takes an hour.
  3. After a femtosecond laser tunnel is made in the cornea, pigments are injected into it.
  4. For refractive surgery, the same femtosecond laser is used.
  5. A few drops that numbs the area are squirted into the eye, so there is no pain.
  6. By injecting color into the eye and covering up the color that is already there, a new color is made.

What are some of the risks of keratopigmentation?

Even though this treatment seems less invasive than putting in an iris prosthesis, there are still risks.

There are a number of risks that come with this type of surgery, such as:


2-Visual impairment



5-korneal harm

6-retina issues

7-light sensivity is high

The tint is put right on the  cornea\’s surface to make it look like vitreous.

There are problems with colored contacts.

They need to be taken care of regularly. They have an odd appearance and may cause discomfort in the eyes as well as dryness.

  • With iris implants, a person may be able to change the color of their eyes for good.
  • But in a few cases, the implants had to be taken out because they were so bad.
  • The pigment in the front of the iris has the most effect on how the eyes look.
  • Every color, like iris, is made up of three parts: the hue, the saturation, and the value.
  • In this case, the underlying green or blue in the eye is a primary color.
  • Hue, saturation, and value are built on primary colors.

Is the change of the color permanent?

You may permanently change the color of your eyes via laser surgery.

If the first laser surgery works, you might not need to do it again.

But no government agency in the United States has looked at cosmetic surgery and confirmed that it is safe and effective.

Because of this, you  can\’t always be sure  you\’ll get the eye color change you want.

An artificial iris implant has a permanent color, but it  doesn\’t change the color of your natural iris.

If you could get a keratopigmentation in Turkey to change the color of your eyes, it would cost more than $8,000.

Over time, wearing colored contact lenses with a prescription  isn\’t the safest or most cost-effective way to try out different eye colors.

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