Permanent eye color change

Laser-Lumineyes treatment for permanent eye color change

A noninvasive laser treatment that can be performed in under a minute is presently being investigated. The treatment has been tried on animals for over 15 years and on people for 13 years, and it has been demonstrated to be both safe and successful in both situations. In humans, iris pigmentation ranges from light brown to black, and the iris may seem blue, green, or hazel depending on how light scatters in the iris stroma through the Tyndall effect. Despite the fact that the genetics of eye color are highly complex, it may be possible in the future to permanently modify a person\’s natural iris color in less than a minute utilizing noninvasive laser treatment that destroys pigment through the blood vessels.

A Laser Can Permanently Change Color Using Lumineyes, a Safe Method.

A laser beam is used to remove melanin pigment from the iris surface, exposing the underlying blue and green colours. Many treatments may be required to get the desired effects, but the procedure is long-lasting. Laser eye color modification is presently the most effective option for long-term outcomes.



In recent years, there has been a lot of discussion about altering one\’s eye color. The hue of one\’s eyes has a genetic component. The colorful region of the eye is referred to as the iris. The iris, a muscle in the eye that may expand or contract in reaction to variations in light levels, controls the pupil\’s size. The amount of pigmentation (melanin) in the iris influences the color of your eyes. Browns have the highest pigmentation in their eyes, whereas blues have the least. The way light bounces off these pigments in terms of hue, saturation, and value influences color perception (brightness).

How can you change your eye color?

Eye Color Cosmetic Surgery Implants of Various Types


Iris implant surgery

Iris implant surgery was first created as a therapy for significant eye injuries and medical diseases such as aniridia, in which the whole iris is absent from the eye, and coloboma, in which a portion of the iris is gone. In some circumstances, the person may not be able to see properly in the first place. The operation is intended to enhance quality of life by lowering the likelihood that others would respond negatively to the deformity. During the implant procedure, the doctor creates a tiny incision in the cornea and then inserts a silicon-based artificial iris into the spot where the natural iris would be. The silicon device is unfurled in the eye to cover the iris region behind the cornea, which secures it. You will be awake throughout the treatment, as you would with other forms of minor cosmetic eye surgery, such as LASIK. According to research, patients who have working, healthy irises but have iris implants are at a greater risk of problems, such as partial blindness, after the treatment. As a cosmetic technique, there is minimal evidence that iris implant surgery is beneficial or safe. Because no US government regulatory body has reviewed its safety, no optometrists or eye surgeons in our nation provide it.

Laser eye color surgery

A low-intensity laser on the iris for around 1 minutes to destroy the stroma, or light-absorbing fibers in the iris. The body will automatically eliminate a layer after it has been damaged. Although the treatment is brief, the body takes many weeks to eliminate the disturbed tissue. While the risks of this surgery have now well explored or recorded by Dr.Mete .This treatment exclusively turns brown eyes blue-green-grey. Other eye colors cannot be changed to darker.

Iris Implants for Permanent Eye Color Change

People are born with a preset eye color that changes and develops throughout their childhood. The color of the eyes vary from person to person and might be blue, black, green, grey, or hazel. These will be your permanent eye colors for the rest of your life. People who are dissatisfied with their natural eye color might undergo permanent eye color change surgery.
The most risky eye surgery is surgically implanting an artificial iris.

In the short term, there have been complaints of headaches, photophobia, and a continuous sense of a foreign body. Perforation of the eyeball and infection have also been recorded. Long-term concerns include the possibility of an allergic reaction, uveitis, or dye migration into surrounding tissues at the iridocorneal angle, with the risk of concurrent glaucoma, or at the level of the optic nerve, with the risk of optic nevritis.

Today, it is vital to thoroughly investigate the risks associated with such operations and to educate patients who may be interested in them.

Changing the color of your eyes boosts your look and attractiveness.

A lot of people favor brown eyes. Green-blue eyes and infant eye color change are in high demand. It gives you a more appealing look and enhances your overall appearance. You cannot naturally alter the color of your eyes. Thus, if you want to change your eye color and want to know how to change eye color, this tutorial will provide you the information you need.

Laser eye color change treatment (Lumineyes-Mylumineyes) is completely non-invasive, with the patient seeing a brief animation as a computer-guided low-energy laser passes through the clear cornea and is absorbed by the dark brown pigment. The laser shatters the covering of brown pigment that protects the blue iris underneath. This disruption causes the usual tissue-removal process to begin.

Following treatment, the patient may resume normal activities, including driving. The black pigment should begin to dissipate after two to four weeks, leaving behind vivid blue eyes.

Episcleral tattooing is a cosmetic technique that involves injecting a dye into the subconjunctival region.

The technical gesture is often not accomplished by a surgeon or competent ophthalmological professionals. Endophthalmitis or retinal detachment may occur as a consequence of the absence of a surgical microscope and the likelihood of globe penetration.

Regardless of whether or not endothelial decompensation was present, patients who got the \”New Color Iris\” developed glaucoma, cataracts, and uveitis. Despite the fact that the implant was removed in all of them, more than half of the patients required a later treatment such as an endothelial corneal transplant, penetrating keratoplasty, filtering surgery, or cataract surgery.

Keratopigmentation: What is it and how does it occur?

Keratopigmentation surgery is another invazive surgery to change eye color in artificial way.

Femtosecond laser is used to form a circular microtunnel in the cornea and a pigment is inserted to hide the natural color of the eyes. Iris change or penetration of an intraocular foreign body are not seen.

The cost of keratopigmentation is changing between 7000-9000 euro.

We provide free online quotes and phone consultations for keratopigmentation cost Turkey and other cosmetic surgery procedures.

In whose interest is keratopigmentation carried out?

There are persons who have aniridia (lack of an iris) or who have had it damaged.

If you wish to modify the color of your eyes, aesthetic keratopigmentation is for you.

As soon as the eye has done maturing, often around the age of 20, the surgery might be explored.

Cosmetic surgery isn\’t the only option for women who want to seem younger and more attractive nowadays. They may also alter the color of their eyes and treat them to boost their self-confidence and self-esteem.

Is it done in a certain way?

Before undergoing keratopigmentation in Turkey, the patient must meet with an ophthalmology surgeon to determine whether or not he is a suitable candidate for the procedure.

One hour of keratopigmentation is all it takes.

After femtosecond laser tunneling, pigments are injected into the cornea. For refractive surgery, the femtosecond laser is exactly the same. A few drops of an anesthetic eye drop are squirted into the eye to numb the area, and there is no sting. A new color is created by injecting pigment into the eye, masking the old one.

What are the risks of keratopigmentation?

Even though it seems to be less intrusive than the implantation of an iris prosthetic, this procedure is not without danger.

There are some complications after this kind of surgery like :


2-vision loss



5-korneal damage

6-retina problems

7-light sensivity etc

In order to achieve a vitreous-like effect, the tint is applied directly to the cornea\’s surface.

Colored contacts have drawbacks.

They need daily upkeep, often seem strange, and may cause ocular pain and dry eye problems. Iris implants allow patients to permanently alter the color of their eyes. However, serious issues with the implants have necessitated explantation in a number of individuals. The pigment in the anterior iris has the greatest impact on the look of the eyes. Every color, including iris, is made up of three components: hue, saturation, and value. The fundamental colors (in this case, the underlying green or blue in the eye) serve as the building blocks for hue, saturation, and value.

Is the color transformation permanent?

You may permanently change the color of your eyes through laser surgery. If the laser surgery is effective the first time, you may not need to repeat it.

However, no regulatory body in the United States has examined and certified the cosmetic procedure\’s safety and effectiveness. As a result, there\’s no assurance you\’ll always obtain the desired eye color change.

Although an artificial iris implant has a permanent hue, it does not modify the natural color of your eyes.

Laser to change your eye color would cost upwards of $8,000 if it were available in Turkey. Wearing colored contact lenses with a prescription isn\’t the most cost-effective or safest approach to experiment with various eye colors in the long term.

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